From the Callers Box August

So many what ifs.

As we all know, the dream run ended at the final hurdle of the 2023 Constellations when brilliant pacer Leap To Fame finished a gallant second in the Grand Circuit event, the biggest race staged in the Sunshine State, the Blacks A Fake Queensland Championship last month.

Leap To Fame was beaten by his older half-brother, Swayzee in the July 22 feature.

But so many questions have been posed following the defeat.

And there’s a recurring thought.

Was he going to win without the wheel issue?

For those needing a little more context, Leap To Fame carried a completely busted wheel for the final 300m of the 2680m mobile start event after Hot And Treacherous clipped his tyre when extricating from the inside.

Obviously, Leap To Fame was placed at a major disadvantage.

Driver Grant Dixon shifted his position in the sulky seat in a bid to alleviate the pressure placed on his glamour stallion.

Vision and still shots circulated instantly via social media platforms after the event.

Leap To Fame was beyond courageous, beaten 6.4 metres by the winner.

But the question remains.

Was he going to win?

Rather than focusing on the what ifs, why don’t we flip the script and ask the pertinent questions moving forward.

Will this impact his campaign (Eureka & ID23) moving forward?

Do fans have a bigger appreciation of his greatness?

Will the crowds return for ID23 series at Albion Park? (Crowds were just steady throughout the Constellations)

Is he still the No.1 pacer in the country?

All these questions will have answers in the coming months, maybe his defeat has briefly opened up an opportunity for his rivals in his remaining targets for the year?

However, what if he bounces back in the Eureka?

If Leap To Fame scores in the inaugural edition of the world’s richest harness race, the TAB Eureka at Menangle, will that scare away many for the ID23 series?

Will Swayzee beat him again?

So many questions, and so many answers are forthcoming.

The race to the end of 2023 will be fascinating.

That’s guaranteed, no what ifs!

Until next time.