As they say, sitting still is a pain the bum.
At the same time, we can never be afraid to sit and think awhile.
Staging two-year-old features throughout the carnival might need to be re-jigged given the lack of numbers chasing the substantial prizemoney on offer this year.
The possibility of having some ‘major’ bonuses attached to our feature events is a key option for better exposure – a bonus for a three-year-old to win the Rising Sun/Queensland Derby or a bonus for a four-year-old to win the Rising Sun/Blacks A Fake.
Even a Sunshine Sprint/Blacks A Fake bonus should be considered.
Introducing a State of Origin race is another idea while a tri-club heat/final with some twists is another possibility.
The immense driving talent should be investigated for a feature event, having the best of the best competing on the biggest stage is another option to explore with gambling partners.
And introducing those ‘star’ drivers to the public could be great for punter confidence.
Obviously, zero Kiwi representation this year was a major setback following the previous year but given the amendments to the New Zealand calendar explains plenty.
But we must be proactive in getting the best talent back across the ditch.
Having Greg O’Connor as our ‘Master of Ceremonies’ was a significant step forward, his professionalism coupled with his infectious love of the sport should be heightened for years to come.
The amount on New Zealand owners and breeders on hand this year should not be understated.
And we’ll continue to attract representation from Perth, having most major cities at Albion Park is another way to nationalize the TAB Constellations.
The biggest crowd was from the final night, Blacks A Fake race night, and historically, it always is but maybe a better attempt of public awareness can be undertaken to strengthen other nights.
The social aspect was great with plenty of positive feedback but, next year could be bigger and better again with added additions to the calendar.
A big congratulations to all Albion Park Directors – Brad Steele, Greg Mitchell, Bethany Browne, Peter Bell, and Nathan Hand.
And a big thanks to Scott Steele, Kate Butt and the track staff who went above and beyond.
Above all, congratulations to all winners.
The world is our oyster.
Overall, the 2022 TAB Constellations was another tremendous success with the promise the 2023 edition will be better again.